
Demetrius PriceDUNCAN DAO

Learning Leads to Leadership at Highline College

Duncan Dao is someone who has “definitely been around campus,” as he puts it. The biology student and school leader has run a number of clubs at Highline College and is a recognizable face to many. 

The 22-year-old from Federal Way says he’s most strongly known as the president of the Highline Queer & Allies Club, (Q&A Club). But he was also the vice president of Karaoke Club, vice president of Vietnamese Students Association (VSA) and vice president of S.W.O.R.D Club, which centers around role play games like Dungeon and Dragons.  

In addition, he has been involved in a number of promotional videos for Highline College, as well as appearing in some of the school’s advertisements and social media posts. Dao says all of this exposure has led to his friends referring to him as, “the unofficial Highline mascot.” 

There are many advantages to getting involved in clubs, Dao points out: “It’s a great way to network, develop social skills and other types of soft skills, and potentially leadership experience. It can help you stand out in resumes and it helps you get to know yourself better.”

He said the Queers & Allies Club is a “safe and welcoming space for LGBTQ+ students and allies to connect, share experiences, and build community”. Dao continued, “We host a variety of activities, including games, arts and crafts, and collaborations with other clubs. Whether through social events or advocacy efforts, we strive to create an inclusive and supportive environment.” 

Dao, whose family immigrated to the US after the Vietnam war, credits his upbringing with giving him a rich cultural heritage, unique culinary traditions, and a different perspective on the world.  

He shared that self-expression and relationship building wasn't strongly emphasized when he was growing up, which made him “seek out connections with other people, such as friends and peers, ultimately leading to meaningful social involvement with clubs like Q&A Club."

Duncan at Foundation Event

Dao speaking at the Thunderbirds Soar Through the Decades event

“I talk and interact with many of the people at Highline with great kindness and warmth and the desire to work with others,” Dao said.

Dao explained that finding his purpose as a leader came about after attending Highline’s Students of Color Conference (SOCC). At the event, he got to meet queer leaders and had a realization that others in his shoes shared his struggles and dreams.

“It was empowering to see myself as part of a larger movement. I learned about what it means to be a student leader, and I grew a vision for myself, and the people around me that I help nurture,” he said.

As for his studies, the former Running Start student is pursuing a Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) Associate in Biology degree. In addition, he has an Associate of Arts degree.

“I chose my field of study – biology – because I've always been interested in the natural sciences my whole life. As biology was a common denominator for most of my natural fields of interest, which includes botany, mycology, entomology, marine biology, and osteology, I felt like it was a field of natural sciences that was obvious to me,” Dao said.

He noted that he decided to go to Highline College, not just for the science program but because of the school’s affordability, smaller class sizes, being close to home and the community it offers.

Outside of his studies, Dao said the highlight so far has been his role as student speaker at the 2024 Highline College Foundation’s fundraising night: ‘Thunderbirds Soar Through the Decades’. Going the extra mile is something he embraces.

“It makes me realize how much more to life there is compared to just doing the bare minimum, and to push myself out of my comfort zone to experience and fulfill all the opportunities that lie ahead of me,” Dao said.

“I encourage more people to join clubs and be involved around campus, and the world around them!”

learn more about highline's biology program learn more about student clubs 

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